यह मूर्ति 5 से 7वी सदी ईसवी पूर्व की है जो कि रशिया से मिली है , और वहां के लोग इस देवी की तब उपासना करते थे । यह इस से भी प्राचीन हो सकती है ।
इन्हें हमारे द्वारा हिन्दु देवी की प्रतिमा कहने के कारण आप देख सकते है कि इनके तीनों मुख पर बिंदी/टिका/तिलक या तीसरा नेत्र और चरणों में व्याघ्र/सिंह जैसी आकृति है । इसका अंग्रेजी विवरण भी इन्हें उन लोगों द्वारा प्राचीनकाल में पूजित देवी/शक्ति ही दिया है । नीचे दिए गए अंग्रेजी लेख में उसके शोधकर्ता या लेखक ने गलती से व्याघ्र/सिंह आकृति की बलि चढ़ायी गई गाय लिखा है जो कि हास्यास्पद है । पर उनका तात्पर्य इन देवी को दी जानेवाली से बलि अवश्य है ।
क्या यह हिन्दुओ की दुर्गा आदि त्रिशक्ति देवी नही लग रही ।
क्या ईस्वी पूर्व रशिया में हिन्दुओ के देवीदेवताओं के विविध रूप ही पूजे जाते थे ?
हिन्दुओ की शक्तिपूजा/मूर्तिपूजा पूरे विश्व में मान्य और उपास्य थी 2000 वर्ष पूर्व तक ।
7th-5th century BC
Ural Russia
The oldest goddesses were found on the Glyadnovskoye cemetery, are from several centuries before the heyday of the Perm animal style.
Stand out images of goddesses with a solar sign (circle) on the forehead.
A special type is the goddess of three worlds with three heads and eagles above them and with solar signs. Preserved information about the ritual of worshiping the sun ; At dawn, a cow was sacrificed to the sun goddess, while the priest drew circles on the forehead with all the gathered people.
The three-headed goddess has the attributes of both the sun goddess and the fire goddess.
Since fire is present in all three worlds - therefore, the goddess is present in all three worlds at once. She looks like the Aryan god Agni, who has three heads and a solar sign.
This goddess also has signs of the ancient Khanty deity - Taren, the goddess of war and madness.
Perm animal style is one of the pearls of ancient ethnic culture; its artifacts featuring mythology of the bygone pagan times surprise with their complicated and fanciful harmony. These stylish metal castings found in the Ural inspire scientists and artists to try to fathom the mysteries they harbour.
Ural is a huge territory situated in the geographical centre of Russia and linking Europe and Asia. The word ‘Ural’ is translated as a “Stone belt’. This land of original ancient culture is the native place of Finno-Ugric tribes. In olden times Kama River served as a trading way connecting the ancient civilizations of the East and the local Ural tribes.
Those tribes left unique specimen of ancient art of metal castings representing animal images that obviously served as sacred totems. The roots of the animal art style that developed in the 7th – 5th cc B.C. go back to the cave and rock paintings and carvings of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.
The Perm animal style is represented by hundreds of findings of tracery bronze and brass plates, figurines, pendants with relief pictures of animals, birds, fish, fabulous creatures, and people. The most widespread are images of elks, bears, horses, swans and ducks. The duck was especially honoured by the local tribes: a legend says that soil appeared on the Earth thanks to this bird. A right-angled plate with the image of a bear has become symbolical of the Perm animal style. One of the major peculiarities of this style is the intricacy of images.
Researchers resort to myths and rites of Komi, Udmurt, and Lapp tribes to explain the meaning and the purpose of the artifacts of Perm animal style.
✍️ सनातन धर्मी
इन्हें हमारे द्वारा हिन्दु देवी की प्रतिमा कहने के कारण आप देख सकते है कि इनके तीनों मुख पर बिंदी/टिका/तिलक या तीसरा नेत्र और चरणों में व्याघ्र/सिंह जैसी आकृति है । इसका अंग्रेजी विवरण भी इन्हें उन लोगों द्वारा प्राचीनकाल में पूजित देवी/शक्ति ही दिया है । नीचे दिए गए अंग्रेजी लेख में उसके शोधकर्ता या लेखक ने गलती से व्याघ्र/सिंह आकृति की बलि चढ़ायी गई गाय लिखा है जो कि हास्यास्पद है । पर उनका तात्पर्य इन देवी को दी जानेवाली से बलि अवश्य है ।
क्या यह हिन्दुओ की दुर्गा आदि त्रिशक्ति देवी नही लग रही ।
क्या ईस्वी पूर्व रशिया में हिन्दुओ के देवीदेवताओं के विविध रूप ही पूजे जाते थे ?
हिन्दुओ की शक्तिपूजा/मूर्तिपूजा पूरे विश्व में मान्य और उपास्य थी 2000 वर्ष पूर्व तक ।
7th-5th century BC
Ural Russia
The oldest goddesses were found on the Glyadnovskoye cemetery, are from several centuries before the heyday of the Perm animal style.
Stand out images of goddesses with a solar sign (circle) on the forehead.
A special type is the goddess of three worlds with three heads and eagles above them and with solar signs. Preserved information about the ritual of worshiping the sun ; At dawn, a cow was sacrificed to the sun goddess, while the priest drew circles on the forehead with all the gathered people.
The three-headed goddess has the attributes of both the sun goddess and the fire goddess.
Since fire is present in all three worlds - therefore, the goddess is present in all three worlds at once. She looks like the Aryan god Agni, who has three heads and a solar sign.
This goddess also has signs of the ancient Khanty deity - Taren, the goddess of war and madness.
Perm animal style is one of the pearls of ancient ethnic culture; its artifacts featuring mythology of the bygone pagan times surprise with their complicated and fanciful harmony. These stylish metal castings found in the Ural inspire scientists and artists to try to fathom the mysteries they harbour.
Ural is a huge territory situated in the geographical centre of Russia and linking Europe and Asia. The word ‘Ural’ is translated as a “Stone belt’. This land of original ancient culture is the native place of Finno-Ugric tribes. In olden times Kama River served as a trading way connecting the ancient civilizations of the East and the local Ural tribes.
Those tribes left unique specimen of ancient art of metal castings representing animal images that obviously served as sacred totems. The roots of the animal art style that developed in the 7th – 5th cc B.C. go back to the cave and rock paintings and carvings of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.
The Perm animal style is represented by hundreds of findings of tracery bronze and brass plates, figurines, pendants with relief pictures of animals, birds, fish, fabulous creatures, and people. The most widespread are images of elks, bears, horses, swans and ducks. The duck was especially honoured by the local tribes: a legend says that soil appeared on the Earth thanks to this bird. A right-angled plate with the image of a bear has become symbolical of the Perm animal style. One of the major peculiarities of this style is the intricacy of images.
Researchers resort to myths and rites of Komi, Udmurt, and Lapp tribes to explain the meaning and the purpose of the artifacts of Perm animal style.
✍️ सनातन धर्मी
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